Monday, 18 November 2019

Line Art

Hi Every one
Can less really be more?

This week the blog has been taken over once more by my partner in craft, Fuzzy Designs, who has been busy with these creations. I’ll let him explain. 

I’m sure most people reading this will have been given something which made you think: I’m not quite sure what to do with that but it’s definitely worth hanging onto.

For me, it was these frames which each came with two panes of glass, and that got me thinking about some artwork with a possible 3D effect.

The horse came first and I obtained a 3D effect by layering pearl glass paint with different colours on the front and back of both panes. I liked the end result but wondered if I could strip things back even further and still keep some depth to the finished piece.

The goat came next and I got the depth I was looking for by simply painting grass on all four sides of the glass so the goat looks like it’s standing in the grass. Happy with the grass effect, I finally decided to see how much I could strip back the animal and decided to go for a rabbit. A few strokes of the brush was all it took and I had a rabbit sitting in a field! So, yes, less really can be more!   

My next Christmas Fairs will be at The Laxey Working Men’s Institute on Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December 2019 & than at Douglas Christmas, Chester Street on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th December..  I hope to see you there.

Jo x


  1. Thanks Guzzi Girl, sometimes the simple is just right even if it does take longer to do.
