Monday 17 June 2024

Chakra Jewellery

Good morning

I have had some enquiries from clients on my craft stall for Chakra jewellery.  So, looking into my stash I found some fun things to make.

The first find was two, silver plated, round, eight spaced cup bezels.  I know that the chakra only uses seven gemstones but I have added a clear crystal (the master healer stone) at the top of the bezel and I think that it only enhances the necklace.  I hope you will like the finished items as I like them very much.

The second find was a 925 SS chakra bracelet which needed to have the cabochons set and then properly finished off.  This was so much fun to make and I loved wearing it myself (for research, to ensure it was well made!).

I am hoping that the weather is on the way for Summer – at last, so enjoy your crafting.

Jo x 

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